

Friday, September 3, 2010

Poop Emergency

There is a law that exists in the world of Trish. This law states that whenever one of the kids has a huge poop (and I'm not talking about any poop, just the ones that are out of the world!) I am out in public (always in a mall or store) and I am alone! So the very first time that it happened with Bulldozer I was out downtown at a mall. Some crazy guy showed up and decided to sit down at the table right next to me and start up a conversation on our medical system. Oh no. About twenty minutes into the conversation Bulldozer (when he was just a little guy) starts to cry and I try to give the guy who won't shut up the subtle hint that it's time to do just that. No such luck. He continues to talk even though I am now ignoring him and I pick up Bulldozer to soothe his wails. Without looking (oh have I learned my lesson since then) I hold him up to my chest only to realize that's he's completely covered in poop and look at that, so am I! I put him back down in the stroller (much to his protests) and throw a sweater on top of my poop covered shirt which of course doesn't cover the stench of the bowel movement that's claimed the whole front of my precious yellow shirt. Finally I get to a washroom and change Bulldozer because of course I have a change of clothes for him... For the next 1/2 hour I walk around the mall covered in poop trying to find a place that sells an inexpensive shirt. Hubbby shows up just before I complete my task and do you know what he does? He howls. Yes, in the middle of the mall he laughs at me like there's no tomorrow.
This time it's not Bulldozer that gives me a present. I'm walking through Toys "R" Us with the boys and I smell a very distinctive odour coming from the Wee Little One. After ten minutes of fighting with Bulldozer to go to the washroom and leave all the toys behind, I am surprised to realize that my previously clogged up baby has suddenly unclogged himself! So to make a long story sort of short the clean-up process included an entire roll of paper towel (thanks again Toys "R" Us!), a box of wipes and a very strong Trish that insisted on rinsing out the brand new outfit because it was just too cute to waste. Upon meeting my Hubby later, he shared his feelings that saving the outfit (never mind washing it out in the sink) was dispicable and disgusting! Maybe a little bit of that Dutch is shining through in me!

P.S. I washed the outfit and behold, it's as good as new! Take that Hubby!

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