

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Day At The Spa

Two more days and I get pampered! You heard right, my wonderful and loving Husband bought me a spa gift certificate for our anniversary and I'm finally going to get to use it. I am entitled to one super special pedicure/manicure and even a fifty minute shoulder, back and neck massage! (Hubby made me promise that I will not ask him for a massage that day :) I don't even know what to do in these sort of places... I know they must see all kinds but I keep looking at my feet in disgust! My toenails have specks of bright pink nail polish that I originally put on my feet like two months ago! I never, ever push back the cuticles on my fingernails never mind my toenails. My pinky toe is so absolutely tiny I don't even know if it's worth painting! Sometimes I think that I just dot a little nail polish onto my actual toe to give the illusion of something being there. I have calluses. I have rough spots. I have dry skin. I've been trying to grow my fingernails for the last two months so I could have longer painted nails! No success. Instead my nails, each and everyone of them, have broken off at some point. Now they are short and there's not much I can do about that! Anyway I suppose I am just a regular person, not everyone in the entire world has perfectly kept up extensions of their hands and feet! Extra luck to the person that has to make my nails look extra special.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Tie That Binds

It's not always as easy as 1-2-3. As I grow older I start to understand family dynamics a bit better. What seemed so straightforward when I was five or ten or even sixteen, no longer seems to apply today. I am sad to report that my unusually optimistic view of the future has somewhat depleted. I feel like things that were or are to be said or done will be beyond repair. No, I do not hold resentment but I feel as though the tie that binds is a thin one. I pray that this tie will not be split in two and shatter all that I've known and loved. If we can just get past this...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Breathing Easy

So I am happy to report that the gastroscopy is done and over with and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be! Other than the extreme tiredness and grogginess (and the accusations from Hubby that my pupils were dilated!), it was a lot better than certain other procedures that I've had done in the past... *ahem* colonoscopies. I would have another ten gastroscopies before I would have one single colonoscopy! It always helps when the camera goes down a more acceptable place rather than up a less desirable one! So when it's all said and done, I'm a happy camper.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


So tomorrow is the day. The day that I will be having a camera shoved down my throat to see if if I have an ulcer or if I have another stomach problem that they can't see on a regular x-ray. I am NOT looking forward to this. My Hubby's grandmother tells me it's nothing... I don't believe her. I saw my grandmother yesterday and she has to get a gastroscopy done because she's having stomach problems and she asked me if I knew if it was painful or anything like that. I couldn't look into her hopeful eyes and tell her otherwise so I told her the truth... "Scott's grandma told me it's nothing!" I believe that's called blame displacement or something! If it ends up being a horrible, terrible, painful experience than at least I didn't say it was nothing! I know that's low. At least they give you sedatives to get through the very traumatic experience but then they warn you that you may not be able to walk afterwards! How is my very skinny Hubby going to support me going home? This shall prove to be quite the interesting experience.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Remembering on Saturday

I got to see my "Nanny" today and I am happy to report that she's doing well! It's hard to see her in a nursing home since it means that I have to admit that she's getting older and not too slowly may I add. However I am really glad that she has the help that she needs since that was a definite source of worry. The nursing home itself seems to be nice (the grounds are gorgeous!) and the staff's extremely helpful and warm. I know that it won't feel like home for a while but it's got to be a close second when she's not self-sufficient anymore.

While I was at the nursing home I got some of my Nanny's past history; the story of how our family came to Canada and other great tidbits of information from her past. I'm really thinking about writing some sort of book or something. It feels really good to know more and more about my heritage. There may be more stories to follow...

Friday, June 25, 2010

So Very Tired...

A day without a nap is like a day without a sense of normalcy. From start to finish today was a spiral of ups and downs, crazy outbursts and severe mood swings! At about 9:30AM Hubby sent Bulldozer for his morning nap. Not even twenty minutes later while Hubby was outside hosing down Dexter's cage (he's our resident rodent, the "invited" one) and I of course had to be on the phone dealing with customer service personnel, he came out of his room bawling. I frantically called Hubby back upstairs and finished off my conversation about fifteen minutes later to a still awake child. He did not want to go for his nap. He pulled the potty card and managed to waste a whole bunch of time by sitting on his potty so he wouldn't have to go for his nap. Finally at 11AM I told Hubby that it was pointless to send him to bed since we were leaving in an hour to go to the Montreal Jazz Festival. So no nap it was. Then as we were leaving the house I told Bulldozer that if he wanted to enjoy a day out then he'd have to do a "sleepies" in the stroller. "Yes!" he replied. Ya right. In all fairness he did eventually fall asleep (pretty much when we got to the Festival) but he only stayed asleep for half an hour! Then he was up, peppy and ready to go. What's the problem with that you ask? Well his good natured attitude wore off and come the end of the day, he was filled with the venom of a child who had not slept! On the bus ride home he did not amuse us with screeches, spitting, scrunchy noses and just plain ole' not listening to his parents techniques. To make matters worse we didn't get him to bed until 9PM! No that's a day. A hot shower, a Hubby massage and then all I want to do is sleep.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

My heart dropped out of my chest last night and I didn't have the energy left to talk about it. Hubby and I were watching "So You Think You Can Dance" and right at the end of the show there was a huge crash and bang. Hubby flew from the couch before I could even react... I followed a few steps behind him. All I could think was that something fell on Bulldozer and he wasn't even crying in protest. By the time I reached the door Hubby had thrown on the lights in Bulldozer's room and was in the process of going to check on the Wee Little One. I felt sick to my stomach. All I could think about was the crib and maybe it had collapsed... Thank god no one was hurt and everything was okay. Surprisingly even though Hubby had said that Bulldozer had opened his eyes when he turned on the lights, he must have done so and promptly went back to bed! When I peeked my head in he was fast asleep so I turned off the lights and closed the door. The Wee Little One didn't wake up from all the commotion either. There was something about the crash that left both Hubby and I drained of all emotion; left feeling raw and empty. We had a good cry and then headed off to bed.

Oh by the way it was a big plastic frog that holds Bulldozer's bath toys that had fallen off the wall.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Something Old, Something New

There's nothing like a new bra and underwear to make you feel confident! I don't know what it is, it's not like everyone can see your underclothes, but it still feels good to know that you look good underneath! Hooray for bras and underwear!


I'm convinced that the Wee Little One is going to crawl soon! I'm so excited! This morning before I pulled my tired butt from bed Hubby told me that he had gotten his little legs under him and then sort of pulled forward with his arms. Then while Hubby was busy doing something he tried to crawl twice! He was resting on his elbows and his knees and then all of sudden, boom! He fell sideways and laughed! I clapped and clapped and clapped. You know you have to encourage him to move forward!

On a not so positive note I think the Wee Little One is teething. He's refusing to eat as much as he was before, he had some pink spots on his cheeks and he wouldn't let me go anywhere near his mouth! He cried and cried and cried. I gave him some Tempra which seemed to help and then I gave him another dose around supper time and now he's passed out and sleeping. Poor Boo. I feel so helpless during these episodes because there's not much that I can do about his pain. I can just hope that he gets through it quickly. With Bulldozer we never really had any problems with teething, he took it like he takes everything else: head on! I can only remember one time when he really fussed and we had to dose him up with Tempra. No two babies are alike!

New Word Of The Day

Bulldozer now exclaims, "NASTY"! Yesterday he giggled and said "nasty pooh pooh"! What a kid!

Continuation Of "Happy Daddy Day"

We went out for dinner at Score's for Father's Day. The food was really good and the boys were amazing! No fits, no screaming matches, no throwing food; everything went smoothly! Then after our dinner we went home and when the boys were in bed we watched one of the Indiana Jones movies! It was actually pretty good. I haven't seen it in years so I didn't remember anything except for the ball rolling scene. We also enjoyed a few glasses of apple cider. All in all it was a wonderful Father's Day.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Day Daddy

So I let Hubby sleep in till, get this, 7:00AM! Normally he's up at five with the boys but I wanted to let him to get a little extra sleep specifically for Father's Day. Unfortunately for him a guy is coming to buy our washer and dryer so I had to get him up so we could eat before he got here! I made him an egg, toast and fruit breakfast and then he opened his cards. Bulldozer got him a card with a monkey on it and it sings "Born To Be Wild", it's so cute! I caved and gave him his Father's Day gifts yesterday because I was excited! Sometimes I'm like a big kid. We got him a Slash cd, a pocket knife and the pins to blow up basketballs. What "manly" gifts!

So I was reflecting on why I think that my Hubby is the best Dad ever and this is what I came up with. He's giving, he gives so much of himself to our family I couldn't ask for more of him. He's caring; he's a mushy ball of fluffiness (not really possible but you get the point!). He's reliable. This is an important one for me. When he says he's going to do something or be somewhere, he is. That's important to kids. He's honest. He tells me how he feels. He's loves to play and joke around with the kids. Bulldozer idolizes Daddy. He's a strong rock that's super supportive but he knows when to say "enough is enough". I love you Hubby. Happy second Father's Day!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A New Skill

So our seven month old son has learned a very "valuable" lesson in life. He has learned to remove his diaper, you heard me right, all by himself. What a wonderful, fantastic, beautiful thing to learn at such a young age! I have nightmares of walking into his room in the morning only to find poop smeared all over his walls because he's taken his diaper off in the night and has been creating beautiful pieces of art! Up until now I've been waiting for what Bulldozer will do if left alone but I have a hunch that might change...

Husbands Are Gross

Yesterday was hot so when we went to bed we decided to put the fan on. It started making this sound like something plastic was caught in the blades and I couldn't sleep from the noise. Hubby then spends fifteen minutes tinkering with the fan but to no success. I crack a joke that he's making the fan worse not better... Then he says, "Oh wait, let me try something." He puts the fan behind his body and I'm thinking in my head that he's lost it. All of a sudden I get a whiff of staleness; the inside of your body smell! Hubby had taken the fan to his butt to propel the smell of his *ahem* fart towards me! Really? What are you like five years old? The best/worst part was that when he told me he wanted to try something and then put the fan up to his butt I never once thought he'd do anything like that! Oh what faith.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Mr. Happy/Mr. Sad

I've decided that the Wee Little One reminds me a whole lot of those kid's books with Mr. Happy and Mrs. Polite, etc... You know the ones that I'm talking about, right? They had a really simple cartoon drawing on the front and the title in bold black letters across the top. Anyway if I could condense all of those titles into a nickname for my youngest (I mean something more original than Mr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) I would!

When he's hungry he goes from perfectly happy and smiling to screeching his lungs off for something to eat. There's no happy medium with this child! He even has this split personality trait where he's crying his eyes out but still has a half smile on his face and he's even giggling a bit in between the screams!

Another area that we tend to see this extreme flip of character is if we are out in the "elements". From the time he was born the Wee Little One never liked the wind, the cold or even too much heat. It makes for tough living considering usually one of those three conditions exist on any given day. Today on the bus ride home he was ducking his head out of the way from the rays of sun that were streaming in the bus windows. Again perfectly content to absolutely pissed in 1.5 seconds!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Everything seems to be coming together for the big moving day. I am happy and very much relieved. We have transportation ... we have manpower ... we have a baby sitter. All the important areas have been covered. I can only hope (although I may be pushing my luck) that the day will be sunny (or overcast, just not raining) and not overly hot. I plan to park my butt at the new house and spend the day directing traffic, cleaning up and unpacking. It's going to be quite the day!

My only worry about the move pertains to Bulldozer. The last time we moved he would cry whenever he saw a box because he thought we were going to pack away his toys, etc... Now he's a little older and I can't help but wonder if that's a blessing or a curse. He's also a little more verbal so he might actually be able to tell us what he thinks! I told him about two weeks ago that Mommy, Daddy, Bulldozer and the Wee Little One were going to be moving to a new house. He keeps saying "yup!" So much enthusiasm but I'm afraid he really doesn't know what moving means. No more seeing his old house or sleeping in the bedroom that he's been in for the last year or so. Not the same buses or stores or even neighbours. I can only hope that he transitions well. We're not the only parents who have decided to uproot their children and move to another house! So here's suggestion time, what can I do to make the move a little less traumatizing for him? I appreciate the comments!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Super Mom Gone Down

So for payment for such a great day yesterday, today was the absolutely horrible. Before I awoke at 7:30 Hubby had already given Bulldozer two time-outs! On top of that it was my bright idea to stay up till 1:30 in the morning trying to finish the novel I was reading and as you can imagine I was very tired today! It's almost eight o'clock at night and I still don't think that I've woken up! However aside from the wee little one's unhappiness due to the later hour of the day, Bulldozer is fast asleep in his bed and some order has been restored. I am waiting for my Dad to show up with our washing machine and dryer that we bought online. Him and his friend so graciously offered to pick it up for us.

Oh no! As I write I keep hearing our Swiffer vacuum/broom contraption making this pathetic, dying noise. That is not good. What else is going to pick up all of Dexter's turds so efficiently? A broom and dustpan are just not as easy.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Day Without Time-Outs!

Is it possible? I am in complete and utter shock. While Hubby was at work today I got through an entire day without giving Bulldozer a single time-out! I know, isn't that amazing? From a million time-outs a day to none. I don't even know what to say. The gods worked in my favour.

On top of having a time-out free day I also managed to get a whole bunch of stuff done too! Three loads of laundry, general clean-up, two loads of dishes, folding laundry and I made a roasted chicken with potatoes, celery and carrots (complete with homemade gravy too!). Even Bulldozer seemed to enjoy it. I tried my hand at homemade rolls but even though they tasted okay they flopped. Hubby told me my "biscuits" were good, hmm...

Monday, June 14, 2010


Okay so maybe "overjoyed" is a bit of an exaggeration but I am definitely very happy because we have found a new washer and dryer! Some may underestimate the importance of said machines but those of us who have kids understand the great need for them! It's not like our new place has a communal laundry room and there are no laundromats around either! However none of this matters because I bought I two year-old used washer and dryer off of Kijiji or Craigslist (one of those websites) and it is being picked up and brought to our apartment on Wednesday. Now all we have to do is get rid of our old ones... One step at a time.

On the topic of laundry we have a whole lot of laundry to do! We've been slacking and the pile has just been growing bigger and bigger. For some reason when there's clutter in the house (including but not limited to piles of laundry) I can't sleep very well at night and during the day I feel uneasy. I can't deal with clutter... I feel a little bit claustrophobic. So every once in awhile when things have gotten out of control I pull the "Trish is boss" card! I wave my magic wand and all these helping hands come out of nowhere to aid in the major clean-up of the house! I swear it's magic.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A New Burrito Addition To The Family...

The wee little one was rolling around on his quilt that my Mom made for him. He managed to get all wrapped up, from head to toe, he resembled a burrito quite well!

Screeching Good Times

We had a wonderful family day. Yes, we "cheated" and went out for lunch... but in all fairness we had lunch REALLY late and we were all very hungry! The words of a fast food addict. The highlight of my day was a trip to the splash pad in NDG. I could have watched Bulldozer play for hours in the water, he was just so cute! At the end Hubby kept asking him if we wanted to get out of the water because his lips were dark blue but he insisted he wasn't cold! Finally we had to leave to make it back in time to cook supper. It was a gorgeous day.

A close second to the ultimate highlight of my day was seeing "Uncle Stew" work at the restaurant making bagels. Bulldozer loves "Too" (as he calls him!) and was overjoyed to watch him work at the ovens. When we left the restaurant he kept repeating, "Bye Too ... bye Too!"

To Rain Or Not To Rain...

Yesterday called for rain. It did not rain. Today looks like it's going to rain. The forecast says no rain. Do you think it's going to rain? Probably.

I'm at a loss for what to do today. I don't want to spend the whole day in the house if it's going to be beautiful but then again I don't want to be out with the children all day if it's going to pour! What to do? There are all sorts of street festivals going on but to me that means spending money... shopping, eating out, the likes. Not a good scenario for people trying to save up to move! Besides how exciting can it be for Bulldozer to spend the whole day going in and out of stores? I just want to avoid staying in, all day, everyday.


P.S. My throat feels better (it was raw last night) but I still feel congested and icky. Boo to sickness. Boooooo.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

In Between

I'm neither sick nor well. This drives me nuts! I'd rather be full-fledged sick, lying in bed complaining about how crappy I feel opposed to being only halfway there... My throat has been bugging me for days, my head feels congested with slime and gunk and I feel very rundown. Sick enough to feel not so great but not sick enough to warrant lying in bed and being pampered! Of course the best case scenario would be to not feel sick at all! Then it would be Trish against the world! Follow-ups to come.

Friday, June 11, 2010

F1 Festivities

We spent the day taking in the sites and sounds of downtown Montreal. We've sort of laid off of visiting high traffic areas because it can be a disaster with a stroller and a very slow-walking toddler! It went well though. We saw the race cars, took in some free beer, collected free boxes of Trisquits (a total of three!) and then the best, Bulldozer got to take a picture with the F1 girls! I know, I know. Tacky you might think. However when the three scantily clad girls (really were they even eighteen yet?) picked up our son to pose for the picture it was the look on his face that was the highlight of my day. A sly grin with a hint of shyness (which we all know doesn't really exist!) that made them swoon but not enough shyness to prevent him from posing for the pictures! Golden.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just in case the joke was missed from my last entry, we laughed because it was like Bulldozer was saying that Mommy was a piece of meat ... Daddy's meat. Way over his head at the tender age of two but funny nonetheless!

So today is the day that the wee little one pooped! For an entire month he's pooped hard rodent-like pellets (except for maybe a total of a couple of semi but not entirely soft bowel movements) and we had tried everything to unblock him. First his Doctor had suggested glycerin suppositories which failed to work and only left us traumatized from having to keep them in for fifteen minutes. Next step was a constant dose of anything that we thought would relieve him, from prunes to prune juice. It was a no go. Then we called our local health line and they suggested trying, get this, water! Well wasn't that obvious? Maybe it would have worked had the wee one decided that he would actually participate in drinking the stuff! So that was a failure. The nurse on the phone also suggested we try a teaspoon of corn syrup which did absolutely nothing. Finally I was ready to bring him in to see the Doctor or even a trip to the hospital so I figured I'd try the pharmacy. A laxative that was safe for babies was recommended and that brings us to this moment in time... Hubby is leaning over a nappy filled to the brim with a present that I've so long been looking forward to. RELIEF.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kids Say The Funniest Things!

So up until today I thought that the funniest thing that Bulldozer had ever said was the answer to a question that I had asked him. "(Bulldozer), who's cute?" I say. Bulldozer responds with his own name. Then I ask him, "who's vain?" Bulldozer smiles and says, "DADDY!" So true.

New funniest comment... Hubby is standing at the window waiting for the butcher to deliver our meat package. He's getting impatient so he says, "Where's my meat?" Bulldozer turns around and points to me! Uh oh.

Clearing Out

So we are in the process of cleaning out the house and deciding what to take with us to our new place and what to give away, etc... I can't decide if I'm actually enjoying this whole process or not. In one way it's very cleansing to toss old items that you don't need anymore and well the obvious other side of the equation is that it's a whole lot of work! One by one we go through every piece of clothing to every book (and that's a lot of books!) and try to make a decision as to whether we really want or need the item. So far so good. We've weeded out an entire box of books that are are going "bye-bye" and some broken/McDonald's toys that are being thrown out (do not tell Bulldozer though!). The whole idea is to reduce our belongings to a significant amount less since we have at least half the storage room at our new home than we do here. So much to do in so little time. As the time nears though I'm getting more and more excited about moving.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just One More Addition

I just had to add this one...

18. Asking for a banana. I give him a little piece because I'm positive he's not going to eat the whole thing. He scarfs the little piece down. He asks for more. I give him one more little piece. He eats that one as well. Then he asks for "biiii nana" ("big banana"). I ask him, "are you sure you're going to eat the rest of the banana?" Of course he answers yes. I give him the remainder of the banana. I turn my back to make the wee little one's breakfast and when I turn back a few minutes later the remainder of the banana has been squished between his fingers and he announces "all done!" Urggh.

I will add just one more today but with the admission that this one is entirely my fault!

19. The pouty face. I taught him how to do it as a joke but of course it has come back to bite me in the butt. Anytime he doesn't get his way now the little bottom lip curls down and the eyes look like they are going to well up with tears. There's a reason we call him a "drama king"...

Monday, June 7, 2010


So I slept on it and I've reviewed the information on my last post and this is what I'd like to add:

16. Tweaking nipples. I know I hear the groaning but it's true. He thinks it's funny to tweak Hubby's nipples and today he even managed to do both at the same time!

17. Biting. This is a new one that I thought had passed us by. In the last twenty-four hours Hubby has received a total of two bites. One of them actually looks more like a puncture wound though.

I seem to be noticing a pattern here, who seems to be the one on the receiving end of all the injuries?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Terrible Two's

Maybe someone would like to enlighten me about ALL the horrors of the terrible twos! So far it has involved:

1. Screeching on top of his lungs when we say no, when he's frustrated, when he's excited, etc...
2. After months and months of being really gentle with his brother, now he's decided to turn on him. The other day I walked in to find him in the process of trying to stand on his little brother!
3. Throwing food. I don't even know what to say about this one. Tonight's beans got tossed clear across the table.
4. Squishing food. One hand - bean - other hand, sssssssqqqqqqqquuuuuuiiiiiiiissssssshhhhhhhh.
5. Refusing to eat food. One day he'll eat more than the Hubby and the next day he'll eat one whole piece of meat and announce "ALL DONE!"
6. Throwing toys at anyone and everyone. Tonight the target was his "Nanny" and his "Buppa" - sorry about that again.
7. Total meltdowns pretty much all the time (my favorite of all the "wonderful" actions of a two-year-old)
8. Insisting that he must do EVERYTHING even if he's too little or too tired or just not able to. If he can't do that said thing or we say no than he tends to complete #7
9. Putting him to bed and watching him come out over and over to try to get out of going to bed.
10. Waking up in the middle of the night - he didn't even do this when he was a baby!
11. Whining. For a toy, for "iced tea", for a family member, for food, to get down from his chair at the dinner table and the list goes on.
12. Repeating "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy" until I stop what I'm doing or saying to pay attention to him. Do I detect a little Stewie in him?
13. Throwing fits while I'm on the phone, even if it's only for a minute, to get my attention.
14. Insisting he's full until the dessert comes out.
15. Purposely waking up his little brother from his slumber. Grrr...

Anyone want to add anything?

Friday, June 4, 2010


I can't help but express how absolutely relieved I am that we found a place to live! We are not in fact going to be living in a box! We have found a beautiful place (albeit smaller than what we have here) but the landlord seems like an entirely honest and trustworthy guy (what a change!) and the apartment is in really good condition. Although I have to add, our current landlord has been really good about the whole situation. Despite not getting along with us he actually gave us a good reference. All in all things seem to be coming together quite nicely. Now once I convince the maximum amount of people possible to help us move I'll be less stressed! One step at a time...

Thursday, June 3, 2010


This morning we were sitting at the table for breakfast and all of a sudden I hear "bzzzz" which actually sounds a little more like "pssttt". "Bzzzz" is not a good thing, in our house it means that Bulldozer has spotted a spider. If Hubby was around he'd probably would have jumped three feet in the air! Well the source of the "bzzzz" was actually a fly that had landed on the table. I had to laugh because Bulldozer kept flapping his arms like wings, making the little "pssttt" sound and then saying "bye, bye" every time the fly would relocate to a new place! At one point he was so frustrated with the fly so he was "scolding" him; he was shaking his finger back and forth and talking up a storm with the limited words he knows! If only I had videotaped it...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I walked for three hours today. Ha, take that nutritionist! Sorry still some residual angry feelings about having to cut down on the amount that I eat! I'll thank her when I've gotten down to my target weight of 130 pounds but in the meantime I remain bitter. Anyway back to my walking... so I walked for three hours like I said to do some more apartment hunting in NDG. Not too much luck. An icky real estate agent told me that I was wasting my time trying to find an apartment in our price range in NDG, realistic or not that wasn't very nice! Besides we have found some in our price range, the problem is that they are all for the month of July and we need an apartment for August the first. Tonight I'm going to see an upper duplex in the Montreal West area because I think it would be smart to expand our search so if we can't find an apartment in NDG than we are not left homeless! (Although once upon a time I had a dream that I lived in a box...) First I'll see the home although I think that being one bus ride away from the orange line on the metro is a very good thing. Grandparents can thank me later... :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A No Post Day

Yesterday was a no post day. I guess between the stress of having to find a new place to live in two months (yes we are moving), the emotional roller coaster ride of having both of my grandparents diagnosed with diseases/having to be placed in nursing homes and now finally, the straw that broke the camel's back, the ultimate meltdown that Bulldozer had last night, I've had enough. The last thing I wanted to do was write.

We've been having a lot of trouble with Bulldozer and his bedtime. I know there are probably parents who are rolling their eyes because most toddlers fight going to sleep. It's above and beyond that. His screams have turned to shrieks and it's bad enough that we keep getting complaints from our neighbour. He screams and shakes and cries and sputters and flails (ask Hubby since he got a pair of feet to his groin yesterday)... We keep bringing him back to bed and he keeps running out. We've tried bedtime stories, sitting in his room, letting him choose a toy to bring to bed and last but not least, letting him do absolutely everything associated with the bedtime routine like getting his ice and water for his sippy cup, washing his hands and brushing his teeth. The last idea has to be the absolute worst. He throws the whole ice cube tray of ice onto the floor when he's frustrated and then shakes and screams when the ice flies everywhere. Brushing his teeth often results in a meltdown too because he doesn't want to let you brush his teeth, he just wants to do it all himself. Unfortunately that doesn't work because that's why he's only two and has a cavity already!

Well all this to say that today we're going to try to switch his nap time to the morning hours since he's been falling asleep mid morning. We will see if that means that he will do more in the afternoon and then be tired enough to fall asleep at night. That or he'll have meltdowns because he's TOO tired...