

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just in case the joke was missed from my last entry, we laughed because it was like Bulldozer was saying that Mommy was a piece of meat ... Daddy's meat. Way over his head at the tender age of two but funny nonetheless!

So today is the day that the wee little one pooped! For an entire month he's pooped hard rodent-like pellets (except for maybe a total of a couple of semi but not entirely soft bowel movements) and we had tried everything to unblock him. First his Doctor had suggested glycerin suppositories which failed to work and only left us traumatized from having to keep them in for fifteen minutes. Next step was a constant dose of anything that we thought would relieve him, from prunes to prune juice. It was a no go. Then we called our local health line and they suggested trying, get this, water! Well wasn't that obvious? Maybe it would have worked had the wee one decided that he would actually participate in drinking the stuff! So that was a failure. The nurse on the phone also suggested we try a teaspoon of corn syrup which did absolutely nothing. Finally I was ready to bring him in to see the Doctor or even a trip to the hospital so I figured I'd try the pharmacy. A laxative that was safe for babies was recommended and that brings us to this moment in time... Hubby is leaning over a nappy filled to the brim with a present that I've so long been looking forward to. RELIEF.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I am really happy to hear the news. He must feel such relief, and I'm guessing that you and hubby are relieved also. Hooray for laxatives. I did not know that there were laxatives for wee ones.