

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Remembering on Saturday

I got to see my "Nanny" today and I am happy to report that she's doing well! It's hard to see her in a nursing home since it means that I have to admit that she's getting older and not too slowly may I add. However I am really glad that she has the help that she needs since that was a definite source of worry. The nursing home itself seems to be nice (the grounds are gorgeous!) and the staff's extremely helpful and warm. I know that it won't feel like home for a while but it's got to be a close second when she's not self-sufficient anymore.

While I was at the nursing home I got some of my Nanny's past history; the story of how our family came to Canada and other great tidbits of information from her past. I'm really thinking about writing some sort of book or something. It feels really good to know more and more about my heritage. There may be more stories to follow...

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