

Monday, June 14, 2010


Okay so maybe "overjoyed" is a bit of an exaggeration but I am definitely very happy because we have found a new washer and dryer! Some may underestimate the importance of said machines but those of us who have kids understand the great need for them! It's not like our new place has a communal laundry room and there are no laundromats around either! However none of this matters because I bought I two year-old used washer and dryer off of Kijiji or Craigslist (one of those websites) and it is being picked up and brought to our apartment on Wednesday. Now all we have to do is get rid of our old ones... One step at a time.

On the topic of laundry we have a whole lot of laundry to do! We've been slacking and the pile has just been growing bigger and bigger. For some reason when there's clutter in the house (including but not limited to piles of laundry) I can't sleep very well at night and during the day I feel uneasy. I can't deal with clutter... I feel a little bit claustrophobic. So every once in awhile when things have gotten out of control I pull the "Trish is boss" card! I wave my magic wand and all these helping hands come out of nowhere to aid in the major clean-up of the house! I swear it's magic.

1 comment:

CountryMouse said...

I want one of those cards!