

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Day At The Spa

Two more days and I get pampered! You heard right, my wonderful and loving Husband bought me a spa gift certificate for our anniversary and I'm finally going to get to use it. I am entitled to one super special pedicure/manicure and even a fifty minute shoulder, back and neck massage! (Hubby made me promise that I will not ask him for a massage that day :) I don't even know what to do in these sort of places... I know they must see all kinds but I keep looking at my feet in disgust! My toenails have specks of bright pink nail polish that I originally put on my feet like two months ago! I never, ever push back the cuticles on my fingernails never mind my toenails. My pinky toe is so absolutely tiny I don't even know if it's worth painting! Sometimes I think that I just dot a little nail polish onto my actual toe to give the illusion of something being there. I have calluses. I have rough spots. I have dry skin. I've been trying to grow my fingernails for the last two months so I could have longer painted nails! No success. Instead my nails, each and everyone of them, have broken off at some point. Now they are short and there's not much I can do about that! Anyway I suppose I am just a regular person, not everyone in the entire world has perfectly kept up extensions of their hands and feet! Extra luck to the person that has to make my nails look extra special.

1 comment:

CountryMouse said...

Lucky lucky you! I just read a comment in a women's magazine about how disgusting some women's feet look in sandals if they haven't had a pedicure! Imagine that!! A terrible crime...