

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Puffin Picture

Our friend Rollie, what a determined little bugger...

A Tourist In My Own City

I woke up at the ungodly hour of 5:30 this morning so we could get everything together for our visit to the Montreal Biodome. It was Montreal's free museum day so you can only imagine what the line-ups were like! Surprisingly the HUGE line to get into the museum only took about a half an hour. However once we were inside the Biodome it was a whole different story. I have never met so many rude, pushy people before. Every time I went to take one step with the stroller another person would butt in front of me and I would be stopped dead in my tracks. By the time we made it to the penguins I had enough of all disrespectful people. On a positive note the animals were adorable! Bulldozer spotted a monkey swinging from a tree and squealed "eh eh eh" (you know the sound that monkey's make!) We also saw a sloth high up in a tree, seagulls (seriously?) and penguins that kept posing for pictures! My absolute favorite animals were the river otter and the puffins. This one little guy (a chubby puffin that I named "Rollie") kept swimming into this jet stream only to be pushed back out by the current, sometimes belly-side up! So comical... Even though the huge amount of people aggravated me (although what do you expect when it's free museum day?) I had an amazing time and it was all worth it to see the joy on Bulldozer's face! His smile lit up the room. We ended our tour by buying him a plastic snake (now that's good parenting considering I am TERRIFIED of snakes!) and a little stuffed penguin.

After the Biodome we headed downtown and went out for breakfast/lunch at a diner. Next in line was the Montreal history museum which probably again would have been more enjoyable had there been less people. The problem was that every time I would start to read one fact sheet a clog up of people would prevent me from moving on to the next one. So the actual Montreal history portion on the first floor was somewhat of a blur, I basically looked at the pictures and then moved up to the less busy second and third floors. The second floor was my absolute favorite with artifacts (everything from old cigarette boxes to a wringer washing machine) and information about the companies that made them, etc... The third floor was a dedication to Dr. Norman Bethune and the impression that he made on Montreal. I have to admit that by the time we reached the third floor I had lost interest in the museum because I was getting tired. I have to go back another time to really enjoy the experience, this time without kids and not on Montreal's free museum day!

After leaving the Montreal history museum we caught a bit of the international street festival and dined on coconut juice, mangoes and sugar cane. Mmmm... Since I am such a suck I felt my pride swell for our city and I was overcome with emotion at one point. I love the city that I live in!

Last but not least, actually one of my favorite attractions, was the Notre Dame Basilica. The stained glass windows were GORGEOUS, breathtaking actually. The woodwork was rich and in such great amounts, I loved it! Finally after Bulldozer decided that the Church was really actually quite scary we left to go home. After ten hours of being on our feet you can only imagine that the kids had enough and we were exhausted. It was back home after an absolutely amazing day as a tourist in my own city.

Friday, May 28, 2010

It's Off To Family I Go

I'm off to Ontario tomorrow to see my grandmother (who's in the hospital from a fall) and some of my very big family! I am extremely excited and quite honestly can't think of anything else right now.

... Oh we braved Wal-Mart today to pick up some baby stuff and print pictures, go family!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Walk On The Wild Side

Sometimes in comparison NDG does seems "wild" compared to Lasalle! Perhaps wild isn't the appropriate word to use, NDG just has character, unlike Lasalle with it's sameness and total lack of anything pretty. Sure the duplexes look clean and kept up from the outside but they are all the SAME! Row after row after row of white bricked (a few brown ones thrown in for good measure) duplexes, the only change are some balconies/windows/doors are different! Some yards look nicer than others. There are no old dwellings, I swear this whole city went up in the 1970's by one contractor who's vision was to see how many duplexes he could make that looked exactly the same. A wonderland of predictability. I miss the old trees, the beautiful parks, the gargoyles, the high ceilings and the buildings from the early 1900's. Far from a good reason to uproot an entire family, this is obviously not the reason why we are moving but I definitely look forward to a place with a little more character.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Storm In The Making

Out of nowhere a storm blew in tonight. The rain was coming down sideways, the tree outside our window was bending and swaying (an understatement) in the winds and eventually hail littered our driveway. Bulldozer was terrified. He kept pointing to the black sky and repeated "ray, ray, ray" (his words for "rain"). Poor guy. I don't know if it was the storm or just his usual antics but he kept coming out over and over from his room trying to avoid going to bed! He even tried the potty card, you know he's desperate if he offers to go potty.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting rid of this apartment is proving to be a lot harder than I thought it would! Why is it that no one wants a mouse infested house governed by a surly, drunken landlord? I don't get it. We have placed ads on a few of the most popular advertising (the free ones anyway!) sites and have received a whopping three or four phone calls. Two of those calls proved useless since the people were looking for an apartment for the first of July. That's no good for us because there's no possible way we can get a truck on our provincial moving day. The first person that actually came to see our house was a couple that kept switching to their own language to talk about what their thoughts were on the place ... am I the only person that thinks that's rude? When someone is stepping on the same place on the floor and motioning to it while saying something in their native tongue, I can only assume they are saying "wow these floors are squeaky!" Why yes they are, they drive us nuts as well. Then we start talking prices and when the apartment is available and I say "it's negotiable..." Mr. of the couple says "oh good because the apartment is way too expensive, I'll just negotiate with the landlord." Ya, good luck with that one. We offered to do yard work (that doesn't ever get done) for a reduction in the price of our rent and he wouldn't even agree to that. Besides when I said "negotiable" I didn't mean the price I meant the date that we're out of here! Then it was all about bargaining for a parking spot in our landlord's already tiny drive way, good luck again. After that couple was a girl who game to the apartment but apparently failed to ask before she got here what month we were moving out! Hubby tells her "August" and it's all over. So much for that.

There's something so degrading about showing your apartment to people and having them sort of turn up their noses. It's like letting them see a window into your life and them not approving. It's just a little odd. It's not really personal because you don't know the person or even care what they think but at the same time it is, how can it not be? I can't help but cringe when the Mr. of the couple asked us if the fridge and the stove came with the apartment, Hubby says "no". He responds, "good because if they did I'd tell you to get rid of them". Hmmmm...

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Book of the Evening

Placed strategically out of the way of little prying fingers a certain someone found the book anyway! "My Big Book of Stickers" made my Priddy Books is extremely beautiful but perhaps a little too advanced for a two-year-old. It's basically a fill in the blank picture book with stickers. The problem is that I want the boys to learn about their animals, etc... from the pictures but if the stickers aren't in the right place than that doesn't exactly work! So with a bit of coaxing I convinced Bulldozer that I would place the stickers if he would show me where. It went okay... well until he got tired and then started tearing at the pages! Oh well, once it's all done it will be a beauty!

Cute Sayings of the Day!

So today's entry shall be out about the absolutely adorable things Bulldozer has amused us with today! This morning we're sitting at the breakfast table and I turn to him and ask, "Who's cute?" He replies by saying his name... they're so honest at that age! Then I ask him, "Who's vain?" thinking that he will reply with his own name and we'll all have a good laugh. Without hesitation he says ... "Daddy"! Oh the truth in that statement!

At the dinner table (I'm seeing a trend with mealtimes) he randomly starts reciting his alphabet , "A! B! C! ... APPLE PIE!" I don't know why it was so funny, probably because it was extremely unexpected but both Hubby and I burst out laughing.

Last but not least he's learned to say his stuffed monkey's name "Mochichi"! Absolutely priceless.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Old Port

Another fantastic day spent outdoors. This time we went to the Old Port and enjoyed lunch at the "Montreal Poutine" and then had ice cream/beaver tails for dessert. A lot of walking (including an hour walk back to the bus!) but I had a great time! It's off to bed...

The Day From Down Under

Everything that could have gone wrong yesterday morning did, that was until we finally met up with friends to enjoy an afternoon with our kids! From rain to ruin our picnic to full blown meltdowns with a certain 2-year-old (which included him screeching on a city bus because he wasn't getting his way). It's on those days that I'd like to slink back to bed, cover my head in my blanket and maybe just shed a couple tears. Everything ended well though... so good that I was too tired to blog last night or even do anything above and beyond collapsing in bed and sleeping! Today's a new day. We're off to visit the in laws and spend a day soaking up the sun. I can't wait!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Reading Is A Good Foundation!

The absolute cutest thing happened the other day. Bulldozer was actually down on the floor next to his younger brother and was reading to him. It was so adorable... He had the book upside down but never mind that, his intentions were nothing but the best! He kept repeating "Bubba, Bubba" (his word for "truck", of course named after his grandfather who drives a truck!) and showing him the pictures (which again were upside down!) We managed to videotape it but it was so much cuter when he didn't know we were watching him. Imagine us the two crazy parents hiding around the corner, peeking out trying to witness a kind act from one of our children to the other - possibly one of the last ones we may ever see! Something to remember for the future when they're teenagers and fight like cats and dogs!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Apparently the thunderstorms that never actually came did not change the behaviour of Hubby, Bulldozer, the Wee Little One or even me. Instead it came in the form of a reaction from our scum lord. Sure enough waiting for me in my e-mail account was yet ANOTHER complaint about the noise up here, this time the washer. In all fairness it was very late when we ran the washer on Monday but seriously, he's the one complaining? To this day we've been utterly ignored on all accounts for every problem that we've ever had (including the biggies like vermin, ant infestations and leaking pipes), we've been yelled at my a very inebriated landlord and all the promises that were made at the beginning of our lease took upwards to a year to actually get completed! If it were just the drunken incident, that alone would be enough to complain about but with all these "incidences" I've had ENOUGH! I apologized for the noise and promised we wouldn't do laundry that late at night anymore. Then I told him it's a give and take relationship, our unanswered phone calls, etc... were unacceptable and I needed some reciprocation. Give and take doesn't include making us go out and buy a carpet for our living room because he can't take the sound of running (children) feet or the sound of toy cars rolling over the floor. If he wanted complete quiet he should have bucked when I told him that we had two kids and should have chosen someone a little quieter ... make a 90-something year old woman!

Grrr... I am beyond frustration.

Looney Tunes

So Hubby is still holding to the fact that he did not steal the cookies, I do not believe him!

Thunderstorm warnings are in effect for today and I have a theory about thunderstorms and the environment around us. It's similar to the concept that full moons make people a little crazy. From my experience people/animals tend to go a little nuts when those electrical surges pulse through the air. So far so good this morning. Bulldozer is his regular crabby self and the wee little one is kind of crabby too. Hubby is lying about about the cookie stealing and Dexter is quiet in his cage. All is well in this household. I have an awful feeling that won't be the case for the rest of the day though... I will keep you posted!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Cookie Thief

Tonight while I was talking on the phone Hubby comes into the room huffing and puffing about something. I politely ask the person on the phone to hold on a second only to be on the receiving end of an accusing look. "What's wrong?" Hubby answers, "there are no cookies, you ate them all???" Okay I know I probably eat too much junk but common'! Half a box of cookies is even a bit much for me. "I didn't eat the cookies." Well after shooting accusations back and forth for a half an hour and then frantically searching through our cupboards for the cookie bag we came to the conclusion that someone or something must have stolen them! Please participate in my multiple choice questionnaire (conveniently located on the left side of my blog) to decide who in fact stole the cookies... *Ahem* Hubby, *Ahem* Hubby. Sorry!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Peace Within

An overwhelming sense of peace came over me today. I went to wake the wee little one up from his nap so I could get ready to leave the house. He was asleep on his tummy with his tiny hiney in the air. There is possibly nothing cuter in this world than a sleeping baby with his butt stuck up in the air. It may sound stupid but it was like all those long hours, the sleepless nights, the endless crying; all those things you go through with a newborn, everything is put into perspective. They are worth every tear, every cup of spilled milk, every dirty diaper, every worry and every struggle. They are the bounce in MY step and the light in my smile. Sure there are days that I want to throw in the towel, isn't that a very natural part of parenting? There are days I don't think that I can handle another time-out or possibly ignore those defiant looks that I get for just simply being a parent. But this is what it's all about. It's about all those little things that make up the bigger picture. And when it comes down to it all we've got is family. Cherish those around you. Someone spoke true wisdom to me today, she said to appreciate those around you because you never know when they will no longer be there. A bit disheartening? No, just a reminder to love the things that matter most to you. I know I do.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bonne Nuit

Children... heat... children... heat, very much too tired to write. Good night.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Poop Emergency

So my Dad picked up Bulldozer at 8:30 this morning to take him to play with his friend. Hubby and I have only one child present today, it feels awfully weird and I have forgotten how much easier taking care of one kid is than two! First item on the agenda, to let the wee little one roll around diaperless in the living room. I get that look from the Husband and the obvious question, "why?" Well for one he's had some diaper rash and I think the air would do his bum some good. Two, it's cute what more do you want? Off goes the diaper and within the first thirty seconds he decides to sprinkle. Have you ever seen a baby pee when they're lying face down on a surface? The stream gushes upwards like a fountain, it's actually quite amusing! Hubby does not look amused. Not even two minutes later we notice a brown heap emerging from the depths of his little butt. Yikes. Helpless looks between the two of us... The heap keeps rising and the look on Hubby's face gets more and more disgusted. I on the other hand stifle laughs (which doesn't really work) for the sake of the one who must clean up the mess! An excellent start to the day!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Bulldozer was invited to a little friend's birthday party today. He was so excited about the big day he hardly stopped to breathe! For lunch there were so many good things to eat, including pizza, veggie sticks and all sorts of fruits and desserts. Do you know what our guy decided to eat? Jujubes. He didn't bother with the fruit, why eat something sweet that isn't a dessert? No veggies either... Pizza was interesting enough but after one bite he decided that would be the last bite. Instead he managed to weasel out a number of candies and then ran off to play with the other kids. The birthday boy seemed to like his jujubes too! He climbed up onto the ledge behind the food table and stood there for like fifteen minutes patiently chewing on the candies! I didn't even notice him standing there for the longest time, he was just so quiet...

When we got home this evening for supper a certain someone was starving! No games tonight. He ate all his pasta salad with vegetables and a whole entire sausage! Can you saw "hungry"? That's what happens when all you eat for lunch are jujubes!

Friday, May 14, 2010

A Night Out

Last night was an amazing night. Hubby and I went out for our third year wedding anniversary. We dined (ooh that sounds so sophisticated!) at a fondue place in the Plateau called "Fondue & Plus". We had cheese and bread fondue to start. Then for the main course we had lamb, beef, pork, scallops and shrimps (all cooked in a green peppercorn and white wine broth), as well as roasted potatoes. DELICIOUS! For dessert I had a chocolate fondue and Hubby opted for a flavoured coffee. We picked up a wonderful bottle of white wine to enjoy with dinner, thanks to a certain Miss Chibougamau! Afterwards we took a leisurely walk,. During the walk I totally and utterly fell in love with the Plateau, such a captivating part of town with its' cute stores and gorgeous old buildings. It reminded me of a mixture of one of my favorite parts of the city, NDG and a little bit of downtown Montreal thrown in for good measure. We settled on seeing "Date Night" with Tina Fey and Steve Carell and it was one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time! At about midnight we left downtown and finally collapsed into bed around one in the morning. We were exhausted, I think that means we're getting old! What happened to partying until the wee hours of the morning? I guess that all went out the window when kids started disturbing out sleep!

... All in all it was a magical night.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Non Knockoff Dinner

Last night we celebrated getting life insurance by having a "non knockoff dinner". Pasta with rosé sauce, rapini (tossed in olive oil, onions, garlic and lemon juice), barbecued fine herb sausages, and bread (with olive oil and balsamic vinegar). Not to mention a glass of red wine. For dessert we had strawberries with homemade whipped cream. Mmm... my special treat to erase all ideas that we took out life insurance on Hubby because I'd rather have the money than the Husband!


It was the wee little one's 6-month vaccination appointment today. He was all smiles before they pricked his chubby little leg and it made me sad to ruin his wonderful mood. All in the name of good health because as soon as they poked him with that needle his good natured personality went out the window! After the shots we went to recover in the waiting room and there was a lady who was reading books to the kids. Yes, that was her actual job! She's paid by the government to promote literacy in young children so she works with public organizations by reading to children. I have encountered her before and today she read Bulldozer "La Grenouille Aven La Grande Bouche", one of the cutest books I have ever seen! The frog eats flies (as most frogs do) and in the end finds out that the crocodile wants to eat "la grenouille avec la grande bouche" (the frog with the big mouth) so he makes his mouth into a little circle to avoid being eaten! The book has a lot of pop-out designs and is irresistible to the kids. Along with the frog book we also read a book all about animals and their poo! Technically it was a potty training book but the little pellets, splotches, smears, logs, etc... that occupied each animal's diaper was hilarious! Possibly more funny for us the parents than our actual kids!

Monday, May 10, 2010

To Live Or Not To Live, That Is The Question

So Hubby and I spent Mother's Day talking about our dwelling. I am, not to any one's surprise, not too impressed with numerous issues in our apartment. First issue would be the mice. I know that eventually they will get killed off by the exterminator but the problem exists beyond our own house. One, we belong to a whole line of duplexes that all have problems with mice but not everyone has exterminated... Two, icky landlord refuses to admit that they could possibly be getting into the building from downstairs and doesn't want to repair openings that they're getting in from. Contrary to a certain some one's belief (no names mentioned), they did not come in from a box of groceries! And I really do believe that our landlord is convinced that they just flew into our apartment via the sky and I have to inform him that it's "highly" unlikely (in other words impossible!) My second issue is the landlord himself. Our relationship with him has gone down the drain (to no fault of our own) because every time something goes seriously wrong in the apartment, he's uppity about actually doing anything about it! Just last week when we informed him about a hole at the bottom of our staircase (which I've seen a mouse escape into) that leads into his apartment, he had the nerve to say, "Well did you fix it?" Urggh. It's not our job! We didn't buy this place, we shouldn't have to donate all our time fixing it up so one day he can sell it out from under us and we'll have to find another place to live. Caulking the sink/counters, patching up a hole in the cupboard, fixing the collapsed pole in our closet, taking care of the yard, etc... NONE OF THOSE THINGS ARE OUR RESPONSIBILITIES! No problem, we accept your non-existent thanks for all the work we do!

Hubby on the other hand loves our apartment but doesn't like the area. He wants to live in a more "urban" setting, somewhere that doesn't quite look like the suburbs. He lives for the hustle and bustle, for the traffic noises and the people population. I understand too, I hate being so far from everyone. Without a car, grandparents and friends are not around the corner from us anymore.

So what was the consensus? Neither of us is actually ready to move again. We've moved three times in the last few years and it's just that much harder when you have kids. I remember when we were moving to this apartment and Bulldozer seemed to be taking it really well, we were so impressed. However when we actually moved into this place, every time a box came into his view he'd break down and cry because he thought we were moving again! Poor guy! I'm just not ready to do that to not one, but two kids. So my solution to the problem is the following:

1. Fight the mice! I've had enough of them and it's time to finish off what was started. Big words for someone who jumps up on chairs when they scurry through her kitchen!

2. Not care anymore. If the landlord isn't going to do what he's supposed to it's called the "Regie de Logement", a nice little organization that helps fight scum lords!

3. Garden like a madwoman! Sometimes doing things you love allow you to move past that bitter place!

4. PAINT! My Hubby's least favorite because he ends up having to work but there's nothing like a coat of paint to make a house feel like a home!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Scurrying Feet and Little Sleep

So I woke up to a three beautiful tulips (from our garden) lying on the pillow beside me and a home-made card from the boys. Hubby then left with the brood to go pick up stuff from the store, I'm still in the dark about what those said things are but I'm looking forward to Mother's Day with two kids. My day was off to a great start...

Unlike last night! Hubby went to bed at about 10:30 or so and I decided to keep the bedside lamp on so I could read a bit. At one point I hear scurrying on Hubby's side of the bed and I felt my heart drop. I really thought that the mice had gone because I hadn't heard any sounds or seen a single mouse. No such luck. At the same time I heard the scurrying at one end of the room, a saw a flash of dark brown streak by, just a few feet from my side of the bed. WHACK! "Wake up! There's a mouse over there, there's a mouse, a mouse..." Hubby jumps out of the bed to humour me. The mouse runs the other way. "IT'S THERE NOW", I scream! "Where?" ... "There!" How am I supposed to verbalize my absolute horror when there's vermin running rampant in my bedroom of all places? Needless to say the little buggers ran back and forth for awhile before they went into hiding and surprise of all surprises, Hubby never actually saw them! I stayed up till two in the morning listening to the pitter patter of little feet.

I asked the Husband to check the mouse traps in our room this morning and behold! Two mice had been snapped to death (sorry I sound heartless, I feel quite heartless towards the rodents) and I would be happy except that I'm still hearing scurrying in our room and in the kitchen, under the fridge. When are they going to pack up and move on? Apparently not too soon if we keep killing them!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Our Little Frenchman

I swear that Bulldozer was born to speak french. With all the language politics in Quebec I can't help but laugh... It started with "oui oui" when he was just a little one, Hubby and I would giggle at his french accent. When he learned to say "hello" it came out "allo" and instead of "two" it was "deux". Some would say it's just a coincidence or maybe he has difficulty pronouncing some sounds in English but I still hold fast that he was born to speak the french language.

He still has trouble saying his name (he believes it's "Ernie, or maybe that's just his alter ego!) and "big" doesn't sound like it has a "g"! However he can now say "yeux" (eyes), "pomme" (apple), "bateau" (boat) and the best, "tarte aux pommes" (apple pie). It's so cute watching him pronounce these words and I find myself feeling extremely proud of him. I've lived my whole life here and to this day I'm still not even close to being bilingual. I feel like I've been held back by the language barrier and I don't want our kids to fight that. I have pride in my province's official language and I want my kids to grow up with that appreciation as well. Just like we should be proud of the country we live in, we should learn all about the native Indian/french settlers who developed this gorgeous province. I say "way to go my little Frenchman"!

Friday, May 7, 2010

No Mouse In The House?

Our landlord has continually denied to us that he has mice in his apartment. My logic is that if mice are running free in our home and our neighbour downstairs has them (they live right next to our landlord), then realistically he must have them too! Apparently he told said downstairs neighbour that he's been hearing "weird sounds in the walls" but doesn't know what they are. Said neighbour explained that yes indeed, those were the sounds of little feet running in his walls. HA! Seriously? How can you mistake the sound of scurrying mice for anything but mice, or rodents anyways? Still he holds fast that he does not have mice in his place, maybe he thinks that if he admits that it wasn't us that "brought them in", then he'll have to assume some responsibility. I really don't know and can't pretend to understand what goes on in his head.

Hubby calls me over to our backdoor to announce that one of the neighbourhood felines is playing with a mouse in our garden. Gross. I look down and sure enough, Mr. Grey Cat With Beautiful Green Eyes is hitting the mouse around like a hacky sack. We watch him play with his prey until he disappears out of sight and I ask Hubby, "Wouldn't it be funny if he left the mouse at our door as a present?" I wasn't too far off. Our friend the cat that often cap naps on our balcony and rummages through our garbage, so nicely left the mouse remains on the very bottom of the fire escape stairs, coincidentally next to our landlord's door! Hmm... is there any doubt in one's mind that the mice exist? The exterminator told us that the mice would leave our home and start making their way outdoors and apparently that's exactly what's happening! I couldn't help myself, I called our landlord and left a message about the nice puddy cat and his present downstairs. That made my day.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

All That For???

So FINALLY our landlord paid for an exterminator to come and set some traps for our little mouse friends. This is the funniest part ... he had those tiny tin plates (like muffin cup sized) that he filled with peanut butter and poison (set behind objects where the kids can't reach them of course). They're supposed to kill and dry up the mice from the inside. It seems way too simple but I keep thinking that sometimes the most simple things are the most effective! Should have I told the landlord that I think that maybe when Hubby chased Speedy into the bathroom and down the pipes into our heaters, that he finally trapped him and I don't think he's been back! Nah...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Three years today!

Happy Anniversary!

HAPPY THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO US! :) Hubby and I were getting ready for the wedding at this exact time three years ago. I had woken up at the ungodly hour of five in the morning or so to make it to the hairdresser's by six-thirty with my bride's maids. After finding a restaurant that would serve breakfast that early, we spent many hours at the salon getting our hair, make-up and nails done. I remember so clearly that I didn't feel that anything was different about that day until I was sitting in the chair and the hairdresser was pinning my veil into my up do. All of a sudden I had an overwhelming gush of emotions and I realized that in a few hours I would be marrying the man of my dreams!

We got to the Church fashionably late and surprisingly I wasn't nervous at all. I felt like I knew from the moment I met Scott that if we decided to date he would be the last guy I ever dated. Walking down the aisle I couldn't stop thinking about how I made the perfect decision and I had so much to look forward to. Hubby on the other hand was shaking like a leaf! :) Only half of what the minister said actually registered, I was completely absorbed in the moment. We said "I Do", we kissed, we smiled for photos, we ate, we danced, we celebrated! The day itself was somewhat of a blur but it didn't particularly matter because the important thing was that we were now married and ready to start our lives together.

Three years later I look back at our photo albums of wedding pictures and little bits and pieces come back to me. I remember dancing with my new husband, looking into his eyes and seeing our future together. I remember singing "You Can't Always Get What You Want!" in the limo on the way to take our pictures at the park. Little things that will always mean the world to me.

I love you Husband of mine. Happy three wonderful, glorious years together and here's to many, many more!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dear Sir/Mam

This is how I imagine the advertisement for our apartment should have been written...

"Dishonest landlord looking for passive renters with quiet children. Will lie about renovations that have been done and promise more than I can offer. I will provide leaky pipes, infestations of spiders/ants and last but not least, a hoard of mice to greet you on a daily basis. All I ask in return is rent that exceeds the quality of the dwelling! Suckers wanted. Please call (514)555-5555"

P.S. Don't mind the disgusting smell of the local breweries, the smell is only present on days that end in "Y".(I couldn't resist that part!)

... I suppose I don't need "my corner" to lash out about frustrations!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's War!

Hubby and I are standing in our kitchen yesterday morning and out of the corner of my eye I see this flash of brown streak out from behind the fridge. "MOUSE!" I yell. Hubby says that he doesn't see anything and we wait, very quietly to see what will happen. Sure enough Speedy Gonzales shoots out from under the stove (where he found refuge) and skittered behind our garbage can. I've never jumped so quickly up onto a high surface before, which just happened to be the kitchen sink! I'm screaming, the Husband's running around trying to find where the mouse has gone and Bulldozer is looking at us all like we've lost our marbles! Needless to say we find ourselves on our landlord's answering machine asking him to "call us back immediately!" Later that day he calls back and we voice our "concerns" and then tell him that enough is enough, it's time to do something about the problem. Right after Hubby hangs up the phone I call landlord number two (otherwise known as landlord's brother) to complain and get the, guess what? Yup, the answering machine! With requests to call us back I am left feeling like we're not getting an awful lot of help for a problem that's been going on for six months now! TOO LONG.

This morning Hubby and I are sitting at the kitchen table when he casually mentions that maybe we should address the mouse problem again... "Okay but we called yesterday, do you really want to call again this morning?", I reason. He answers in a calm voice, "I just saw the mouse run under the fridge again!" WHAT?!? Up onto the kitchen chair. You got to be kidding me, if there's a mouse say so... AND NOT SO CASUALLY! I proceed to go onto the net and research house mice and children. I find all sort of unpleasant diseases/allergies that I include in a very detailed e-mail to both landlords to inform them that we have had ENOUGH. Six months is too long. Waiting for neighbours to help chip in so everyone gets an exterminator is suspiciously taking a very long time as well. Mice running across my kitchen is not acceptable. Mice clawing in the walls of my bedroom does not add to the ambiance. I want them out. It's war.

P.S. I didn't add that the mouse we saw in the kitchen this morning was chased around by my Husband and a plastic container for twenty minutes but to no success. The mouse got away but I have a distinct feeling that my Husband actually had fun! At least some one's enjoying it!


"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge - myth is more potent than history - dreams are more powerful than facts - hope always triumphs over experience - laughter is the cure for grief - love is stronger than death.
- Robert Fulghum
No funny stories or jokes. Today I'd like to extend my deepest sympathies to a friend that lost one of his family members yesterday. May you find peace... may he rest in peace.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bulldozer's New Word of the Day

"Apple Pie" - someone is taking after his Daddy!

Bits and Pieces

Bulldozer has this odd tendency towards OCD behaviour. Today Hubby's parents came over to visit and for lunch we decided (or I might have nicely suggested) to get "Lafleurs", only the most delicious fast food ever! I ordered Bulldozer a french fry because when you get him hot dogs or hamburgers, he takes one little bite and then won't eat the rest of it. I figured if he wanted a bite of something else, he could steal from someone. (That he did, after eating more than half of my hot dog I wished I had bought a second one!) So he starts to eat his french fries and I'm chatting with the family so I'm not paying too much attention to what's going on. I look sideways at one point and notice a neat little pile... he had taken a bite of every french fry and left one little morsel on the side for everyone to see. It brought back memories of that (McCain?) ad with the little boy eating his french fries and dipping them one by one.