

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Peace Within

An overwhelming sense of peace came over me today. I went to wake the wee little one up from his nap so I could get ready to leave the house. He was asleep on his tummy with his tiny hiney in the air. There is possibly nothing cuter in this world than a sleeping baby with his butt stuck up in the air. It may sound stupid but it was like all those long hours, the sleepless nights, the endless crying; all those things you go through with a newborn, everything is put into perspective. They are worth every tear, every cup of spilled milk, every dirty diaper, every worry and every struggle. They are the bounce in MY step and the light in my smile. Sure there are days that I want to throw in the towel, isn't that a very natural part of parenting? There are days I don't think that I can handle another time-out or possibly ignore those defiant looks that I get for just simply being a parent. But this is what it's all about. It's about all those little things that make up the bigger picture. And when it comes down to it all we've got is family. Cherish those around you. Someone spoke true wisdom to me today, she said to appreciate those around you because you never know when they will no longer be there. A bit disheartening? No, just a reminder to love the things that matter most to you. I know I do.

1 comment:

CountryMouse said...

There is nothing like having to place your father in a nursing home to make you realize that every moment is precious. Time is too short to bother about disagreements, hurt feelings, or anything else. What counts is making every moment count--for yourself and for your loved ones.