

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Storm In The Making

Out of nowhere a storm blew in tonight. The rain was coming down sideways, the tree outside our window was bending and swaying (an understatement) in the winds and eventually hail littered our driveway. Bulldozer was terrified. He kept pointing to the black sky and repeated "ray, ray, ray" (his words for "rain"). Poor guy. I don't know if it was the storm or just his usual antics but he kept coming out over and over from his room trying to avoid going to bed! He even tried the potty card, you know he's desperate if he offers to go potty.


Susan said...

Potty has always been a good excuse to postpone BEDTIME.

CountryMouse said...

Maybe you just hit on a new way to potty-train...Poor little guy!

SnortyBurrito said...

Except for when he sits there singing and not actually attending to do anything in the potty! :)