

Monday, June 21, 2010


I'm convinced that the Wee Little One is going to crawl soon! I'm so excited! This morning before I pulled my tired butt from bed Hubby told me that he had gotten his little legs under him and then sort of pulled forward with his arms. Then while Hubby was busy doing something he tried to crawl twice! He was resting on his elbows and his knees and then all of sudden, boom! He fell sideways and laughed! I clapped and clapped and clapped. You know you have to encourage him to move forward!

On a not so positive note I think the Wee Little One is teething. He's refusing to eat as much as he was before, he had some pink spots on his cheeks and he wouldn't let me go anywhere near his mouth! He cried and cried and cried. I gave him some Tempra which seemed to help and then I gave him another dose around supper time and now he's passed out and sleeping. Poor Boo. I feel so helpless during these episodes because there's not much that I can do about his pain. I can just hope that he gets through it quickly. With Bulldozer we never really had any problems with teething, he took it like he takes everything else: head on! I can only remember one time when he really fussed and we had to dose him up with Tempra. No two babies are alike!

1 comment:

CountryMouse said...

Congratulations to the Wee One for a new accomplishment! On the down side, now you'll have two mobile little ones!!!