

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Day Without Time-Outs!

Is it possible? I am in complete and utter shock. While Hubby was at work today I got through an entire day without giving Bulldozer a single time-out! I know, isn't that amazing? From a million time-outs a day to none. I don't even know what to say. The gods worked in my favour.

On top of having a time-out free day I also managed to get a whole bunch of stuff done too! Three loads of laundry, general clean-up, two loads of dishes, folding laundry and I made a roasted chicken with potatoes, celery and carrots (complete with homemade gravy too!). Even Bulldozer seemed to enjoy it. I tried my hand at homemade rolls but even though they tasted okay they flopped. Hubby told me my "biscuits" were good, hmm...

1 comment:

CountryMouse said...

Just another day for SuperMom!