

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Garbage Picking

Yesterday our little family spent a really nice morning at the park. Hubby bought us some coffee and we sat on the grass watching the Wee Little One practise sitting up and kept an eye on Bulldozer as he scaled the jungle gym equipment. I had so much fun and the best part about the trip was getting out of the house before the sun got super hot.

On the way home from our outing we passed a home that had put out these two wooden chairs for kids. I scanned them as we walked by and realized they looked like they were in perfect condition. Stopping in my tracks I turned to Hubby with a smile, "Oh look at those chairs, they're SO cute..." Blink, blink. So he carried them the last few blocks to our house to officially make us garbage pickers! The seats need some carpenter's glue or nails to make them secure but they are in good condition and clean. I think after I fix them up I'll paint them a bright colour instead of the stark white that they are right now. I'm thinking they'll look pretty cute on our deck at the new place. Yippee for garbage picking!

1 comment:

CountryMouse said...

It was inevitable that you would convert to the family was only a matter of time!