

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Sleeping Bear

Bulldozer did not take a nap today. I feel like that should say enough but I will elaborate anyway.

He fought and he fought and he fought. Finally at about lunchtime I gave up trying to get him to sleep and fed him instead. Then after lunch he seemed energized but he still fought not to sleep so I left it and figured we'd just put him to bed right after supper. Didn't quite work out that way. Just as we were about to start making supper he asked to brush his teeth and go to bed. We didn't want him to fall asleep for a nap and then wake up at like one in the morning ready to go again... so we said no. Big mistake. First the screams. Then the flailing. Then the screeching that encourages neighbours to call Child Services! Finally after arguing and arguing and getting absolutely nowhere, we let him go to bed. He climbed up on the couch, started reading a book and then in like thirty seconds he was out! It's funny though, once he was asleep it was like all that ugly toddler behaviour just melted away! He was serene and peaceful. I wanted to hug and kiss him but alas I did not want to wake the sleeping bear!

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