

Monday, July 19, 2010

To The Doctors We Will Go

So we've finally decided that we're going to the Wee Little One's Doctor to follow-up on his constipation issues. It's been about two and a half months since we've started solid foods and ever since then he's been completely blocked up! We've tried everything, from prunes, to bottles of water to laxatives that are safe for babies. Which brings me to my next point... this morning Hubby called the Doctor's office to try to get an appointment for today. The secretary grilled him left, right and center. I know it's her job but it was very rude. While he was explaining what was wrong she cut him off and said, "is that all yet?" Then she kept suggesting all of the things that we have already tried. It's frustrating because we've been aware of the situation for awhile (and we've been through it, albeit less severe, with our first child) and it's not like we haven't taken all the necessary measures! No bananas... check. Water... check. Prunes... check. On top of that she gave us heck for asking the Pharmacist about laxatives, we were supposed to call the Doctor's office first! With so much clogging up of the system it seemed reasonable to consult a qualified medical professional that has studied medicine! Anyway I'm happy because we finally are going to get everything checked out and make sure he's okay. Wish us luck!

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