

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Learning Time

So the big news of the week:

One, I believe Bulldozer is well on his way to being potty trained! Yes I said it. Maybe this will come back to bite me in the butt but we're two weeks into the process and I'm so excited! I foresee a day without diapers, hopefully sometime before he hits kindergarten! It seemed like such a lost cause because he kept starting and then he would flat out refuse to continue after a few days, I have to admit that I was quite discouraged. However now we have a schedule going and I'm desperately hoping that moving in a month will not mess it up...

So our schedule consists of Bulldozer changing into "big boy underwear" in the morning and the only time he gets to wear diapers is at nap time and if we go out. After all it's only been two weeks so I'm not going to trust fate and go out without the comfort of a nappy YET. We'll see what happens in the future.

Yesterday while at his Grandmother's house he actually went potty on the big toilet! He asked to so I held him up and he made a huge poop! Why do I feel like writing all of this is going to make him hate me later on in life?!?

On another positive note the Wee Little One is making great progress on the crawling front. He doesn't get into the "traditional" crawling position but believe you me, he makes progress moving from point A to point B! He sort of drags his little body on the floor with his arms in front of him and squirms with his hips to propel him forward. This morning he was doing so well, it brought tears to my eyes!

Side note... I went shopping at my favorite second hand store yesterday and bought four new (used) shirts. I also purchased a pair of really nice jeans, a black sweater for when it starts to cool down (if ever) and a belt. Almost a whole new wardrobe! I had so much fun shopping sans children!


CountryMouse said...

Hooray for Bulldozer and the Wee Little One! Congrats on the new clothing--it's about time for me to hit my favourite store too!

CountryMouse said...

Hooray for Bulldozer and the Wee Little One! Congrats on the new clothing--it's about time for me to hit my favourite store too!