

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Crazy Pill

This morning Bulldozer awoke with just a little more than an ounce of insanity! I'm not sure what it was that he ate in his sleep, whether it was an entire gallon of ice cream or pure sugar from a bowl, he woke up wired and ready to go! From running around the shopping mall like a maniac to "amusing" our guests over dinner, he just didn't stop. Amazingly enough he fell asleep, probably tired from all the overexertion of energy!

I wish I had that much energy! On a good day, and I mean good, I'm able to get through my entire day without a nap. I remember being a teenager and jumping around barely being able to sit still for five minutes and talking non-stop. Now I wake up as late as I can without feeling too guilty for making my husband do child duty (sometimes he's up as early as 5AM), I take a midday nap to ward off that afternoon sluggishness and go to bed by, ummmm... 10 or 10:30PM! If I had half as much energy as my rambunctious two-year-old I'd be in good shape!

1 comment:

CountryMouse said...

"Amusing the guests over dinner"! That sounds like a story, too...