

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Actually Have Time To Read!

"Multiple Choice" (by Claire Cook) is my book of choice right now. Maybe not my first choice but it is the book that I am reading. Miss Chibougamau gave it to me when she moved out to the far north and I actually had the opportunity to start it when I went to the doctor's office yesterday. I'm undecided what I think of it. It's definitely not bad and at some parts I even think that it might be really good... except that I just can't seem to connect. The daughter in the story is a university student and the whole book revolves around the relationship between her and her mother. She's moved away for life in the dorms and the relationship that she has with her mother is hindered by her unpleasant teenage attitude. She says things like "Oh my God. I bet the whole station already knows you're my mother. I'm going to die" (in respect to working at the same place as her mom). Or, "Oh that's right, this is all my fault." She's a twelve or thirteen-year-old caught in an eighteen -year-olds' body. The mother in the story argues that college aged kids are the worst because they are the most obnoxious , does this actually resemble real life? A little wild, perhaps. Irresponsible, maybe. Using phrases like "You're so embarrassing!" and "Don't wear that, you'll embarrass me in front of my friends!"; unlikely. I think by that time you've graduated from surly teenager to an almost mature older teenager! You'd have to ask my Mom but I don't remember using those lines on her... at least not at that age!

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