

Friday, April 23, 2010

When It Rains It Pours

So as I commented yesterday I'm sick as a dog. Then this morning Bulldozer was up at the awful hour of 4AM and came to our room to wake us up. Hubby asked him what was wrong and he pointed to that cute little button nose of his and said "icky". Poor boo wasn't feeling very good but we managed to get him back to bed without too much fuss. Wee little one has been sleeping more these last few days so I have a feeling that he's fighting off something as well. And then there's Hubby himself. Is he sick??? No, of course not. Yesterday's tickle in his throat has miraculously disappeared and he's his regular self this morning! Grrr... the rest of us get sick to the point of being useless and he must have the defense system of a fortress or something! So I'm off to use my natural (or almost natural) remedies! Here's my recipe for feeling better:

1. Tylenol (helps control the chills, headaches and general achiness)
2. Gargle with salt water (I find the more often, the better)
3. A teaspoon of honey with powdered ginger sprinkled on top (burns going down but feels good; acts as a numbing agent)
4. Boil fresh ginger and water to make ginger tea (Mmmmm...)
5. Chicken noodle soup (an oldie but a goody!)
6. A shower (feels horrible if you have the chills but helps to lift your spirits afterward)
7. Heat pack (lying down on one helps me to feel semi-comforted)
8. Massages always help! "*Ahem* Hubby *Ahem*"

And when nothing else works, just give in and purchase a box of Dayquil/Nightquil, they work wonders! Just remember to ween yourself off at the end or you will feel worse!

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