

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Farewell!

Last night I went out to dinner and drinks with a good friend of mine. She's leaving to move to, get this, Chibougamau! We spent the night joking about Chibougamau which was actually quite therapeutic because when you don't have to talk about the fact that you're separated by an approximate ten hour drive and a whole lot of northern Quebec wilderness, all that is left is laughter!

In a town of about eight thousand people Chibougamau has about nine bars, no coffee shops or movie theatres but they do have a McDonald's! I wonder how my vegetarian friend is going to make it in a place that boasts gun repair shops for hunting and doesn't actually have a vegetarian meal on menu at the local restaurants! By the way, noodles without the meat sauce is not considered vegetarian, thank goodness she knows how to cook! Well in all fairness the rent is really cheap in Chibougamau...

I can joke all that I want but I'll miss you Chicky! If you read this, take care of yourself out there, don't forget us back here and stay clear of Jean-Guy's!

1 comment:

CubicleGnome said...

I hear tell that moose meat is actually quite tasty!