

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Premonition

Some call it extrasensory perception, I prefer to peg my experience as a premonition... Last night the whole family went to McDonald's for supper and then out to run a few errands. To try and cut down on some time, Hubby and I went our separate ways to run the last two errands. It was getting late (on the Mommy clock anyways), it was dark and snow was falling. (Don't get me started on that one, Monday was 16 degrees and yesterday was -3!) I'm walking along lugging the bag of groceries from the store and this odd feeling washed over me. Perhaps it was because I'm generally not out at nighttime by myself anymore or maybe I really did have a "feeling" that something was going to happen. So I round the corner of the major street we live near and come to a stop at the lights. Unlike the regular move a Montrealer would pull, I actually wait for the light to turn green and the man to appear before I step off the curb. First mistake... There's an SUV waiting on the opposite side (in the turning lane), I see him and he doesn't move. I have the walk signal so I step off the sidewalk and start to walk. I'm almost halfway across the street when he guns his engine, quickly moves to turn and then at the very last second slams on the breaks. No joke, his front bumper touched my body and had he not braked sooner, I would be under the wheels of his vehicle! Did he not see me? Did he not care? My heart lurched. No near death experiences like my life flashing before my eyes but I did feel my heart lurch out of my chest, nestle itself in my throat and tell my stomach that maybe it was time to vacate the McDonald's we had eaten for supper. I was flustered to say the least. Not knowing what else to do I started yelling at the guy's open window and he just shrugged his shoulders and took off. No I didn't get his licence plate. I was just too shaken up to prove to be effective in any way! I had a good cry afterwards and felt slightly revived. The accident happened way too close to my "b*$%# corner" though and I'm starting to think that whole area is just not blessed with good energy...

1 comment:

CountryMouse said...

What a close call! It's my theory that drivers with caps, SUV drivers, and those with tinted windows all seem to have a licence to kill. Hope you're OK now...