

Thursday, April 29, 2010


The wee little one has the most beautiful smile in the world. I know it's not fair to say that one child's smile is superior to the other one's but he has this totally engaging, brighten up your day smile that starts slowly and spreads like wildfire. Even the tips of his little ears react by twitching. The one downfall is that often it's just not that easy to convince the wee little one to actually smile. He could be in a seemingly good mood and you appear in his line of vision and oh, there he goes, he's wailing like he's been tortured or something. And believe you me, this kid can wail! Sometimes you make silly faces and dance the jig and no reaction at all. Other days you're not even looking at him but he's watching you and his face will light up like the sun. Of course the weird man at the restaurant can make him smile out of the blue! A smile that is slow to appear but genuine, is far better than a fake one.

As I write this he's giggling up a storm with his Daddy and I'm thankful for these happy times!

1 comment:

Susan said...

His smile is what you call INFECTIOUS!